Craftsman Shawn Hussey after presenting Maj. Gen. O. Steele USMC Ret. with his multiple grip hiking stick, along side Cpl. Hussey USMC Ret.. Maj. Gen. O. Steele lives & hikes the lower Sierra Nevada Mts. daily in Northern California.
Craftsman Shawn Hussey & LCpl William Swanzy, USMC
Hike The World ! Thank A Veteran!
"16 DEC 44"
First stick ever crafted, for WWII Veteran Paul, from Altamonte Springs, Fl.
This cane was donated to
Korean War Veteran J.L. WALLS.
Front: 82nd Airborne
Back: 1950 - 1953
Veteran's Hiking Sticks & Canes began in 1998 as a hobby with the desire to give something back to the VETERANS. Each piece of wood is hand selected and completely hand crafted from start to finish. No two pieces are the same. When you purchase a stick, you are assured a piece of wood that is truly "one of a kind".
We warrantee every stick for 10 years. If there is any problem with the height, grip, or craftsmanship, we will repair your stick or replace it with another.
As of today, our sticks have been shipped to 40 states. One of our first pieces was crafted for our dad 1999 and has over 4,500 walking miles.
All sticks can be personalized in many ways, including wood burning, wrist straps, triple dipped rubberized handles, and even military emblems, rank insignia's, metals, unit logos, dog tags, etc... embedded right in the finished product. Most popular personalization is wood burning nicknames, anniversary dates, initials, religous quotes, retirement dates, etc...
We are always open to new ideas and suggestions.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

This cane was purchased by a WWII Veteran's daughter and shipped to Swainsville, Ga.
He fought on Saipan, Tinian, and wounded on his 5th day on Iwo Jima.
This stick was purchased for U.S. Army Sgt. "Crazy" Jay who now works for Blackwater USA providing security in the "Green Zone" in Iraq.
Backside is woodburned:
His nickname "CRAZY JAY"
Notice U.S. Army tribute pin embedded on top of stick.
Thanks for all your hard work & service to our country Crazy Jay.
Left: Shawn is pictured with WWII veteran AL P. in the family coffee shop "Boston Irish Cafe'" in the Daytona Beach Hilton.
Al's wife ordered a WWII cane for him,
"WWII TINIAN / SAIPAN" for Christmas 08'.
AL's cane is pictured below with other Christmas orders.
Right: Rudy A. pictured with his semi- retirement stick. Rudy began his service with the U.S. Army, U.S. Space Command (USAF), 24 yrs. Tenn. Air Guard, and now is with the U.S. Coast Guard.
Service 1956 - present.
Both True American Patriots.
Thank You for your service.
Top Left: Handful of Christmas orders 2008.
Right: AL P.'s WWII cane along side of
M.I.A. Col. John O'Grady's cane, which was ordered by his niece and nephew in his honor. NEVER FORGET!
Left: O'Grady's P.O.W & M.I.A. pin embedded atop his cane next to WWII cane with U.S. Navy pin embedded atop it's handle.
Korean War Cane:
Front: woodburned "167th Signal Co."
Back: woodburned Korea with his war dates, along with "Combat Cameraman".
Notice Korea pin embedded flush altop cane handle.
Thank You for your service.
Sgt. Mark Steppe - Walter Reed Cane
Sgt. Steppe, Infantry 2000-2006
Mark's wife Amy ordered this cane to assist him upon his discharge from Walter Reed in November 2010. Sgt. is battling a rare bone disease as a result of his service in Iraq.
Thank you for your Courage and Honor while fighting for freedom around the world.
Keep fighting Sgt.
What an honor it was for me to craft this cane for you Sgt. Steppe.
My last day with your cane.
Mark's wife Amy requested:
OIF III Fallen Not Forgotten wood burned down the backside.
The cane includes 7 pins that represent Sgt. Steppe's service.
After 2nd Lt. James Settelen was presented his rank at O.C.S. Quantico by his father, he then turned and presented his Special Forces Marine father with this personalized hand made cane.
December 2010
Welcome to the Corps 2nd Lt.
Master Gunney James Settelen Sr. Bronze Star
This WWII cane was made for a man from Mass that was17 yrs old when his LST landed troops in N. Africa, Sicily, Salerno, Omaha Beach and Occupation Forces of Japan. All 7 pins were provided by Mr. Oliver, was nicknamed "Twisty" by his shipmates. 4 of his pins are originals from the 1940's.
Below: These 2 canes were ordered for two WWll brothers. One received a Silver Star & Purple Heart in the Battle of The Buldge. The other brother served on a Destroyer in WWll. Notice the blue 'Tin Can Navy' pin.
This WWll Cane was ordered by Steve Barr for his father inlaw WN Scruggs who served on the USS Rathburne ~ DD-113, a WWl Destroyer that also served in WWll. Thank you for your order Steve and your service MR. Scruggs.
JT Holdbrook called after seeing one of my canes at his local VFW and said, "I was in the 1st Calvary Division WWll, does that qualify me for a cane?". I thought to myself, "I can't charge this man." So I said, "it sure does Mr. Holdbrook." So this cane was donated to Mr. Holdbrook in April 2011 and after receiving it he promptly took this photo from his hometown in Canton, Ga. I wish I could get every WWll Veteran a cane for free. To date I have donated walking sticks and canes to veterans from WWll, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Thank you all for your service to our great country and the freedom we all enjoy.
This hiking stick was ordered by Aaron Cornelius for his good friend Maj. Santori who serves in the Special Forces. Mr. Cornelius presented Maj. Santori this custom hiking stick with embedded compass and Special Forces pin just before Maj. Santori returned to Afghanistan for his 2nd tour. Stick was shipped to Texas, April 2011.
This hiking stick was ordered by my good friend Bryan VanAntwerp who was a Spec. in the U.S. Army and served in Kosovo with the famous unit The Big Red One. Compass is embedded on top of stick with NATO Award pin, Kosovo pin, The Big Red One pin and the Don't Tread On Me pin.
B-17 Pilot Lt. Earl Morrow (bottom left) & his crew.
17th Mission shot down 2 Nov 44'.
7 POW (Germany)
Lt. Earl Morrow with his daughter Jessica Brand & grandson Earl standing next to a B-17 at an air show. Jessica ordered her dad the cane as a gift.
Lt. Earl Morrow receiving his personalized cane
Christmas day 2011.
Captain Beau Viehmann.
1st Marines - Vietnam
Purple Heart